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What Is Better – Cloud or On-Premise Enterprise Help Desk?

By statistics, about 50% of corporate data worldwide is retained in the cloud. Moreover, experts predict that users and enterprises around the world will store over 100 ZB of digital information by applying such hosting. However, there are also numerous on-premise technology lovers worldwide. These users justify their choice by the high-security level of such solutions.

The trends above are peculiar to the branch of digital enterprise support. Therefore, it’s frequently quite difficult for business owners to choose the right type of client services hosting. So, experts created a matching of what is better if comparing cloud vs on-premise enterprise help desk to assist such entrepreneurs in selecting the most suitable option. Whichever variant is chosen, specialists advise implementing any of the specified solutions using reputable platforms’ services (e.g.,

Main Features of Cloud and On-Premise Enterprise Help Desks

Some business owners believe there isn’t much difference between the described technologies. However, there’re de facto numerous significant distinctions here. But to catch them, entrepreneurs should grasp the concepts of comparable digital solutions.

Peculiarities of On-Premise Help Desks

Computer Circuit Switch Data Processing Pc
Computer Circuit Switch Data Processing Pc

Such a technology implies information and necessary software storage, as well as app launching, on the company’s physical servers together with other equipment if required. Thus, customer requests, various reports, etc., are tabulated and tracked in place. That’s why some business owners believe there’s a lower risk that their companies’ internal data will seep out of corporate boundaries in this case.

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However, on-premise help desks require users to fulfill the necessary updates themselves. And this demands a certain experience. As a result, business owners need to hire proficient IT employees or even entire teams of skilled specialists to maintain such systems. Consequently, corporate expenses increase.

How Do Cloud Help Desks Operate?

Cloud or On-Premise Enterprise Help Desk
Cloud Computing Digital Data Chip Cloud Computer

Here, data is stored, and software is run on remote servers. That’s commonly fulfilled by applying SaaS help desk apps. Such applications usually allow access to cloud information through simple interfaces. So, corporate managers and support agents only need an online connection to start working.

Cloud help desks imply that software is maintained and updated by the team as well as the IT infrastructure of a provider. Thus, business owners shouldn’t purchase additional equipment to scale their client services. Furthermore, they don’t have to raise corporate spending on IT specialists to maintain the newly bought facilities.

Comparison of Key On-Premise and Cloud Help Desks Features

Cloud or On-Premise Enterprise Help Desk

By stats, over 45% of full-time employees worked remotely or had a partly distant job in 2021. So, it may be quite hard for companies that allow telecommuting to organize workflow if they use on-premise help desks. On the other hand, cloud solutions can assist in regulating the working process of enterprises with remote employees from different geographical regions. Among the other peculiarities, it’s essential to highlight the next ones:

  1. Security. As was said above, some business owners consider on-premise help desks more reliable. However, such customer support systems are at high cyberattack risk. And cloud solutions assist in avoiding these problems. That’s because of the distant location of such systems’ servers. In addition, numerous cloud technology providers propose VPN services.
  2. Deployment. Commonly, on-premise client services are much more complex to deploy. So, such a process takes a lot of time to fulfill. As a result, the company’s customers can’t receive qualitative help during a certain period. And this is fraught with the loss of permanent and potential clients. Here, cloud systems are more convenient to use. Such customer services are always ready to apply from anywhere.
  3. Customization. Cloud help desks offer more convenient options for setting up custom interfaces. And on-premise solutions require users to customize such options first.
  4. Support. Cloud help desk providers commonly propose fast, comprehensive, and strong client service. Moreover, such support is usually provided round-the-clock. On the other hand, on-premise help desks require users to solve the problems themselves. And this adds load on enterprise support staff and may take extra time. Furthermore, some difficulties can demand skilled professionals to solve them.
  5. Tariff plans. Cloud systems offer licenses for one and more employees. Therefore, such solutions suit all kinds of businesses. And on-premise help desks usually offer licenses for client support teams, commonly including five and more specialists. Thus, such systems fit middle or large businesses.
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So, entrepreneurs should choose the right customer support service hosting considering their current needs. That’s because each described system has its own pros and cons. Business owners may get more detail about switching from on-premise to cloud customer support platforms at the Help Desk Migration blog.

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