Data analyst

Data analyst: the professionals every company wants and needs

The Data Analyst reflects the fact that today data is necessary for companies. However, the Data Analyst is the answer to the following question: what is the point of storing a large amount of data if you are not going to analyze it, but how and who analyzes it? Therefore, let’s learn more about the Data Analyst career and how you could become one of the most demanded profiles.

Who is a Data Analyst?

A data Analyst is a professional profile that establishes strategies within a company by interpreting quantitative and qualitative data. 

To do this, the Data Analyst is responsible for collecting data and analyzing it statistically to support reasoned data-driven decision making. It is done with Big Data and, in some cases, with Small Data. 

Importance of the Data Analyst

The importance of a Data Analyst is because it is a strategic position for the growth and development of companies.

Importance of the Data Analyst
Importance of the Data Analyst

The great need to have new insights from customers and to make safer decisions relies heavily on actual and updated data. 

What does a Data Analyst do? Main functions

A Data Analyst’s first thing is identifiable information of interest to the company on different platforms. They also have to structure or order all that data in graphs and tables to properly present.

Establish guidelines on customer behavior

Another primary function of the Data Analyst career is implementing the necessary strategies to guide the company according to customer behavior. 

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It tends to be used mainly for digital channels since it begins to perform more personalized actions for what the public wants.

Processing and grouping of information

The Data Analyst must develop arduous data processing through mathematical operations and programming languages. It has to be grouped by categories of information to sort it and deduce value conclusions.

Perform transparent communication with the organization

Working as a Data Analyst makes you the guardian of all the information handled by the company. Your role is to generate reports to the company’s business area and the departments that benefit from the analyzed data. 

The Data Analyst knows that his work will be needed by more than one department or area within the company; therefore, he has to make sure that all understand the data analysis he presents. 

Why are companies looking for Data Analysts?

As we explained earlier in this article, companies are now aware of the importance of analyzing the data they store. 

Faced with this situation, what are the reasons for hiring a Data Analyst in a company? We list the benefits that this position produces in organizations.

  1. Obtain information from different types of customers.
  2. Make decisions with lower risk probabilities.
  3. Keep informed about the strategies and actions of the competition.
  4. Determine which strategy will help the company to improve sales.
  5. Predict events that may affect the company.
  6. Be aware of new trends and keep up with the changes.
  7. Know when and where to invest to ensure return on capital.

Demand for Data Analysts

It is increasingly crucial to have real and helpful information for the company. Especially when we are in a context where 

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Faced with this, I have begun to create and seek a Big Data Analyst position worldwide to be responsible for performing this task in recent years.

The Data Analyst profile has become a career that many companies want and are willing to compete to find the best talent.

Although there are still not many Data Analyst profiles in the market, large organizations are very interested in hunting the few existing talents because it is a new career. 

Likewise, this intense interest in the labor market for the Data Analyst profile has awakened the demand for Big Data Analytics courses in many professionals and students.

How much does a Data Analyst earn?

In the United States, the salary of a Data Analyst is $76,000 per year. While junior positions are paid $66,000, senior engineers expect to earn more than $86,000 per year.

Where to study to become a Data Analyst?

To hire a Data Analyst, companies usually look for professionals with a degree in Computer Science, Software or IT Engineering, Statistics, or Mathematics.

When it comes to mastering the Data Analyst profession, you will be faced with various practical tasks. You may find yourself wondering “how to write my paper cheap or free,” or “how to meet all of my deadlines on time,” but once you have overcome all of these challenges, you will be a true professional.

Do not be discouraged if you have not studied for these degrees because it is not mandatory for some companies. But as we saw in the profile of a Data Analyst, you must have a good base of mathematical knowledge to analyze data.

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The main characteristics that a Data Analyst has:

Curiosity to analyze and interpret data

To work as a Data Analyst, you must be a person who likes to analyze large amounts of data. You practically have to live with data every day and make the most of it with relevant conclusions for the company. 

Expert with numbers

The Data Analyst must have great skills in Mathematics and Statistics. It will help them decipher the data and elaborate statistics to simplify them into useful information.

It is one of the reasons why the Data Analyst profile is so in demand because not many digital shapes have this ability.

Consultative vision

The Data Analyst needs to analyze large volumes of data and present a great communicative ability to advise the leaders of the organizations with the information obtained.

Also, the Data Analyst’s profile has to be consultative. It means that the person knows where it is essential to extract valuable and helpful information to achieve its objectives.

Programming experience

The Data Analyst career stands out for having an excellent familiarity with programming. Above all, they must have great knowledge of Python and SQL programming.

In addition, this profile knows several programming languages such as HTML, CSS, SaaS, PHP, Cloud, and more.

High adaptability

Another characteristic of Data Analysts is that they have high adaptability for any business sector. 

As the Data Analyst profile is not abundant in the labor market, it is a professional who does not tend to stay for long in the same company. Constantly, people in this position receive better job offers for Data Analysts in the country where they live and internationally. Therefore, you must have high adaptability to work in this way.

In addition, we must remember that the emerging technology used by Data Analysts is constantly changing. It means that this professional must be aware of new updates and learn from each new technology that helps to improve their work. 

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