Complete 5E Tools List in D&D and Theri Usage

25 D&D 5e Tools List Along With Their Uses, Cost & Brief Description

Tools in a game are something that allows you to do things that you couldn’t do otherwise. Things such as cooking, crafting, forgery, and much more. Tools in D&D 5e tools serve the same purpose. I observe the game being more interesting when I add more tools to the game.

The 5th edition of Dungeons and Dragons allows players to buy a variety of different tools to make the game a little more fun. In this article, we will discuss D&D 5e tools and a brief description of them. 

What are Tools in Dungeon and Dragons 5e?

Players can choose their characters and their characteristics in the game. Tools in Dungeon and Dragons 5e are characteristics or skills of a player. Players can choose to have various kinds of 5e tools. These tools inform players of their classes. Players can not alter D&D 5e classes later. Tools are based on D&D 5e backgrounds and the availability of the player’s choice.

What is the artisan Tools’ role in Dungeons and Dragons?

Artisan tools play a major role in the game. The artisan tools give the characters certain expertise and skills that they can use to make their living in the game. They can sell their skills to other players in the game and can enhance their living style. You may be wondering how much money can a player earn from a certain skill? Right? The answer is simple. The smarter the player is, the more money he will make.    

5e tools selection in Dungeons and Dragons

Complete 5E Tools List in D&D and Theri Usage
Complete 5E Tools List in D&D and Theri Usage

D&D offers a variety of 5e tools to its players based on the D&D 5e classes, D&D 5e feats, and D&D 5e races. When a player makes his character for the first time in the game, different tool selection options are shown concerning players’ abilities and tools availability. At the start the choice of selection is limited but with time you can buy more tools and can enjoy D&D 5e tools proficiency.

D&D 5e Tools List

Following are the tools which are available in the 5th edition dungeons and dragons.

Tinkers tool
Thieves tools
Mason’s tool
Leatherworker’s tools
Potter’s Tool
Gaming Sets
Cobbler’s tools
CAlligrapher’s supplies
Forgery Kit
Musical instruments
Cook’s Utensils
Herbalism Kit
Carpenter’s tool
Navigator’s Tool
Cartographer’s tool
Woodcarver’s tool
Smith’s Tool
Brewer’s Tools
Disguise Kit
Jewelers tools
Poisoner’s kit
Glassblowers tools
Alchemist tool

Top 25 D&D 5th Edition (5E) Tools

Here is a brief overview of the top 25 Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition tools.

1. Alchemist Supplies

Alchemists Supplies 5E tools
Alchemists Supplies 5E tools

Alchemist Supplies are one of the most expensive tools in Dungeon and Dragon 5e. It costs about 50 GP. It includes two glass beakers, a metal frame to keep the glass in place, a glass stirring rod, and a pouch of alchemist ingredients containing salt, purified water, and powdered iron.

Alchemist’s supplies give power to the character to produce chemical concoctions, do chemical dealing, and make suitable potions.

In D & D 5e, Alchemists make interesting potions such as balms, healing concoctions, alchemists fire, real bombs, and smoke bombs. Characters make their living out of it. Moreover, expertise in alchemist’s supplies helps the character unlock a lot of information about the arcana and investigation checks.

Alchemists’ supplies make use of a crafting system called Alchemical Crafting. The Player uses the alchemical system to craft items such as soaps, perfumes, antitoxin, oils, doses of acids, and alchemist’s fire during their long rests.

2. Tinker’s Tool

Tinkers D&D 5e Tools
Tinkers D&D 5e Tools

Tinker’s tool is another expensive tool costing the same as the alchemist tool – 50 GP. The tinkers tool has a high level of durability. It allows the character to improvise and repair technological devices. Tinker’s tool includes a range of hand tools such as threads and needles, glue, leather, scraps of cloth, and whetstone. 

Tinker’s tool allows the character to repair devices such as automatons and guns and construct and create traps and small mechanical items. Moreover, with some basic knowledge and creativity, a character can become an inventor of different gadgets and craft almost anything they can think of with spare parts.

Tinker’s can know the origin and age of the items even if they get a small remaining piece of the original product. Moreover, Tinker’s get to restore ten hit points to a damaged object for every hour of work.

3. Poisoner’s kit

Poisoners kit
Poisoners kit

A poisoner’s kit is an expensive tool. It cost 50 GP. The kit includes a pestle, string rods, glass vials, a mortar, and some chemicals. Poisoner’s kit is dangerous; only a few players have expertise in it. The players who are ex-criminals or assassins are mostly poisoners specialists.

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They have the skills to produce lethal and toxic compositions which can kill a person. Also, they have the expertise to handle and give poison to the other character without getting the poison effect themselves.

Moreover, it also gives the edge to the specialists to treat poison-affected people with some antidots. Proficiency in poison kits helps the character in History, Medicine, Investigation, and Perception.

4. Jeweler’s Tools

Jewelers 5e Tools d&d
Jewelers 5e Tools d&d

The cost of a jeweler’s tool is 25 GP. The tools include a small hammer, a saw, pliers, tweezers, and some files. It allows the players to enhance and beautify the gems and gives them skills to identify some precious stones. Jeweler’s tool is a helpful tool for the players of Dungeons and Dragons. 

 The players having the tool can work with metals, precious stones, and different materials. Jewelers can also design and create mesmerizing items using natural magic, which they find in gemstones.

Expertise in Jeweler’s tools assists the players in Arcana and during investigation checks which involve jewels and gems. In the dragon horde, the jeweler uses his skills when sorting and selecting precious stones. He can identify which jewels or stones are worth 500 GP and which stones are worth 50 GP. Mastery in jewels is essential when there is limited space for carrying.

5. GlassBlower’s Tools

GlassBlowers Tools in D&D 5th Edition
GlassBlowers Tools in D&D 5th Edition

Dungeons and Dragons Glassblower’s tool costs 30 GP. It is another expensive tool in D&D. Glassblower’s tool includes varying items such as tweezers, blowpipes, and marver blocks.

Glassblower’s tools help the character gain expertise in molding the glass in specific shapes and producing different glass objects. They can play with molten glass pieces, and with a bit of creativity, they can shape glass into worthy items. However, the glassblowers need a source of heat to do glass work. 

The proficiency in glass works helps the characters to examine glasses of potions and different glass items found in the treasures of Arcana. The expertise can also help in D&D history and check investigations involving glass. It is a high-demand area in D&D feats.

6. Disguise Kit

Disguise Kit for 5e tools
Disguise Kit for 5e tools

The disguise kit cost a total of 25 GP. The disguise kit includes hair dryers, cosmetics, dresses, makeup items, and several kinds of props. The disguise kit has the power to change the appearance of characters in a short time.

It helps transform the player through different apparel, makeup, and styling so that the D&D player can easily blend in with the crowd. The player can choose to reveal the identity or prefer to hide it; hence the use of a disguise kit depends upon the player.

Disguise kit gives proficiency in deception, performance or persuasion checks, and intimidations. However, characters do not like this tool. 

7. Brewer’s Tool

Brewers 5e Tool
Brewers 5e Tool

In the 5th edition of Dungeons and Dragons, the cost of the brewer’s tool is 20 GP. This tool permits the players to identify the poison in a drink, purify water, and use alcohol to relax the mood swings of a non-player character. Brewer’s tool includes a large glass jug with several hops, a funnel, and a few feet long tube.

Brewer’s tool is a beneficial tool for the characters. It allows players to make their signature drinks (which helps players become more prominent in the game), use them to buy and sell goods, help to identify the purity of water and check the quality of different drinks.

Moreover, the brewer’s tool is valuable in flavor profiles. It helps in producing beer, wine, or spirits of different nature.

8. Smith’s Tools

Smiths 5e Tools
Smiths 5e Tools

D&D 5e Smith’s tool cost 20 GP. The tools include a different variety of charcoal, schmattes, tongs, and hammers. This tool helps the characters work with metals. Smith heats the metal to a high temperature, strikes it into the desired shape, and produces different objects. They can repair metal gadgets, sharpen the blades, and turn raw metals into valuable items.

Knowledge of the smith’s tools helps the character examine the weapons made up of metal. It also allows players to restore ten hit points to repair a damaged metal object. An hour of work restores ten points.

Moreover, these tools help in Arca, Investigation checks involving metals, and History. Smith can also sell metal items in the hour of need. It is a type of business in Arcana.

9. Navigator’s tool

Navigators tool in 5e
Navigators tool in 5e

The total cost of the navigator’s tool in D&D 5e is 25 GP.

Dungeons and dragons navigator’s tool includes a compass, a sextant, calipers, rulers, parchment paper, ink, and a quill. Characters with the sailors’ background mostly use the navigator’s tool. The sailors who have it are responsible for determining and guiding the ship in the sea. At an early age, when there were no GPS tracking systems, the expertise in this field was prominent and beneficial for the players.

Proficiency in navigator’s tool helps the characters never lose sight of the destination in the sea and guides them to determine the course by viewing the stars in the sky. Moreover, it assists them in nautical charts and determining the time of day.

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10. Cartographer’s tool

Cartographers tools in 5e
Cartographers tools in 5e

The cartographer’s tool cost 15 GP in the D&D 5th edition. It includes ink, quill, parchment paper, calipers, rulers, and a pair of compasses. The cartographer’s tool is one of the essential artisan tools in the game. It helps to create maps in the Arcana while traveling.

Cartographer characters measure, collect, and interpret different geographic pieces of information and patterns and then use them to update and create maps. These maps help in making estimations about the land and the water bodies.

Players with cartographer’s tools have plenty of official missions to cover within the city premises. They have detailed knowledge about the mountains, cities, and water bodies. The knowledge helps them not to get lost anywhere. Moreover, they can make a Difficulty Class (DC) 15 check to know the distance and direction of the land.

11. Carpenters tool

Carpenters tool d&d 5e
Carpenters tool d&d 5e

Carpenter’s tool cost only 8 GP. However, it is worth buying. It is a beneficial tool, and I like it a lot. It includes a hammer, saw, several nails, a hatchet, a square, a ruler, an adze, a chisel, and a plane.

Carpenter’s tools give the character insights into the wooden objects, buildings, and structures. They can identify the irregularities in the wooden floors, spot the trapdoors, and make wooden shelters for temporary parties. Moreover, the carpenters can use wood to skillfully make wooden furniture, which they can sell at higher prices. The carpenters get the ability to differentiate between different types of wood, trees, and lumber.

12. Herbalism Kit

Herbalism Kit in dnd 5e
Herbalism Kit in dnd 5e

The herbalism kit is cheap, and it costs only 5 GP. The kit includes herbs, leather gloves, mortar and pestle, glass jars, and clippers. The clippers in the kit help to collect a variety of plants, and leather gloves are for plantation purposes.

Unlike the alchemist’s kit and poison’s tools, the herbalism kit uses herbs and plants to make different potions and balms. Herbalists have a positive viewpoint. They create potions and medicines which heal wounds. Moreover, if players have adequate knowledge, they can produce antitoxins with the herbalism kit.   

Expertise in the Herbalism kit allows the D&D 5e character to collect the handy plants with care and use them to treat different illnesses.

13. Leatherworker’s Tool

Leatherworkers Tools in 5e
Leatherworkers Tools in 5e

In D & D 5e, the cost of the leatherworker’s tool is 5 GP. It includes a small mallet, knife, edge, thread, and punching machine. Leatherworkers have two distinct capabilities, one is to know the source of a leather item, and the other is to produce leather items.

Leather Workers’ tools make use of leather scraps to make various products. Leatherworkers have expertise in many different areas. They need to specify other players in which leather products domain they have expertise. A variety of items leatherworkers can make are as below.

  • Furniture
  • Saddlebags
  • Gloves
  • Leather armor
  • Clothing
  • Bags
  • Chaps
  • Belts
  • Bookbindings
  • Saddles
  • Pouches
  • And engraved leather items.

The expertise of leatherworks gives insights into leather items and helps in Arcana and investigations involving leather.

14. Forgery Kit

Forgery Kit in D&D 5e Tools
Forgery Kit in D&D 5e Tools

The forgery kit cost 15 GP in D&D 5e. The forgery kit

includes parchment paper, ink, quills, seals, sealing wax, silver, and gold

leaf, tools for sculpting wax, and a mimic seal.

The forgery kit allows the characters; to fake the

signature of other players and make multiple copies of a document. The forgery

It allows using calligraphy and cartographers’ tools. It is an enriched tool

that helps characters identify family seals, spot fake signatures, make fake

signatures, copy documents, and check the originality of the contracts.

 Expertise in forgery kit helps players in Deception, History, Arcana, and investigation checks involving authenticity. Moreover, players with a forgery kit can also fake a map with a cartographer’s tool.

15. Thieves Tool

Thieves Tool in dnd 5e
Thieves Tool in dnd 5e

The cost of a thieves’ tool is 25 GP. The Dungeons and Dragon 5e tool includes a small mirror mounted on a metal, a set of lock picks, pair of pliers, a small file, a set of narrow-bladed scissors, and disarm traps.

Thieves tool allows players to find valuable items in the Arcana and disarm the traps that are safeguarding the valuables. Expertise in thieves’ tools helps in History, perception, and investigation checks which involve traps. Thieves’ tool is an incredible tool in Dungeon and Dragons games. It allows players to contact the criminal world, look for different traps, acquire knowledge about the targets, and find valuable items. I used this tool a lot in Wizards of the coast adventure modules.

16. Calligrapher’s Supplies

Calligraphers Supplies in D&D 5e Tools
Calligraphers Supplies in D&D 5e Tools

Calligrapher’s supplies cost a total of 10 GP. Calligrapher’s supplies include a dozen sheets of parchment papers, ink, and quills. It is one of the fascinating tools which comes in use for some potent purposes.

Calligraphy tools allow the characters to create an incredible piece of writing. It also allows the spot for the forgeries and identifies and deciphers the hidden messages in the historical documents and maps.

The calligraphy tool gives an in-depth knowledge about the type of paper and different languages. It helps in writing hidden messages to send from one place to another. Proficiency in Calligrapher’s tool helps in History, Arcana, and to read the treasure map. However, this tool is a bit handy.

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17. Cobbler’s tool

In Dungeons and Dragons, the 5th edition cobbler’s tool costs 5 GP. The toolbox includes a hammer, an awl, a knife, shoe stand, cutter, thread, needles, and spare leather pieces.

Clobbers have a lot of skills. They excel in making different kinds of shoes, identifying a person’s personality by examining his shoes, mending shoes, and repairing damaged leather items. Moreover, cobblers can make small hidden compartments in shoes. In short, cobblers play an essential role in the D&D game.

Proficiency in cobblers tools helps the players in Arcana, History, Investigation, maintenance of shoes, and craft hidden compartments. It is a common tool, and hence cobblers are found in almost every corner of the city.

18. Cook’s Utensils

One of my favorite tools in Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition is cook’s utensils. Cook’s utensil costs 1 GP, and most players own it. It is the cheapest in D&D. However, it is very beneficial for the players.

Cook’s utensils consist of knives, metal pots, a stirring spoon, forks, and a ladle. Players who own cook’s utensils have the skills to cook some delicious food to help survive in the Arcana. In short, proficiency in a cook’s utensils will help in medicine, history, survival, and preparing meals.

Cook’s utensils grant characters knowledge about the poisonous and edible plants and berries. Also, it gives insights into the variety of traps, baits, and snares. Moreover, the character can examine and tell whether the animal is sick or not.  

19. Potter’s Tools

Potters Tools in 5e
Potters Tools in 5e

In D&D 5e, potter’s tool costs 10 GP. The potter’s tools include ribs, scrapers, calipers, needles, modeling tools, pots, and jars. Potter is a creative character in the game. He uses his hands and modeling tools to make some usable items with the clay. He then places the clay in a kiln at a high temperature to give it a solid form.

Dungeon Masters often overlook the expertise of a potter. However, it is a profession where the players can use their creative skills.

Knowledge areas where potters excel are below.

  1. Geographic areas ( where they can find different clays)
  2. History of pottery techniques and unique styles
  3. Purpose of the items to produce.

Proficiency in potter’s tool is beneficial in History, reconstruction, perception, and investigation.

20. Painter’s Supplies

The total cost of painter’s supplies is 10 GP. It is a tool for creative and artistic players. The painting supplies include an easel, paint brushes, charcoal sticks, paints, canvas, and a palette.

Players can use the painter’s tool to create landscape paintings and portraits that have hidden messages. Artists have a talent to paint beautiful landscapes from a new perspective. The painter’s profession is a practical one. They have the talent to differentiate between an original and fake painting, determine the history of the painting, and find the hidden messages in the artwork.

Playing D&D 5e, the proficiency in painter’s tools can help the characters in history, investigation, perception, Arcana, Religion, and Drawings.

21. Mason’s Tool

Mason’s tool cost 10 GP. The main task of the masons’ tool is to identify the weaknesses in the brick walls and deal with the damage in an effective way. Mason’s tool includes a square, a trowel, a chisel, hammers, and brushes.

Masons have to skill to work with the bricks and stones to establish buildings and structures. Mason’s are the working class in Dungeons and Dragon 5e games. They are available in the cities and the villages as well.

Mason has detailed knowledge about construction materials and has a network of clients. Proficiency in this field helps the characters in History, perception, demolition, and investigation.

22. Woodcarver’s Tools

Woodcarvers tool is another cheap tool that you can purchase in 1 GP. This tool includes a knife, gauge, and a small saw. It is a fascinating tool with which players can craft bows, arrows, and many other figures and patterns out of wood. They have wood carving skills that look attractive and have high sales. 

Along with these, they know the woods, wooden items, trees, and basic ruins. Moreover, they excel in unique wood carving styles and techniques which belong to other cultures.

Proficiency in wood carvers tools can help the players in the Arcana, history, and nature checks.

23. Weaver’s Tool

You can purchase the weaver’s tool for only 1 GP. It includes threads, needles, and pieces of cloth. Weaving is a tough job, and the working class usually does it. They use a loom to weave together material which creates fabric for clothing and other purposes.

Weavers in D&D need to know their customers’ backgrounds. In this way, they can make fabric for them in their desired price range. They can make fine fabric for upper-class players and cheap fabric for lower-class players.

Proficiency in weaver’s tools can help the players in Arcana, History, Investigation, repairing of clothes, and crafting clothes.

24. Musical Instruments

Musical Instruments in D&D 5e Tools
Musical Instruments in D&D 5e Tools

Musical instruments are of two types non-wind and wind instruments. Each musical instrument has its own cost. Also, players need to have separate proficiency in each type of musical instrument. If you have expertise in a musical instrument, you can add a proficiency bonus in your ability checks in the game.

Players having a keen interest in music and songs can excel in the instruments. They are familiar with the techniques of playing music and songs of different types.

Musical instruments can help players in the history, performance, and composing of a tune.

25. Gaming Sets

The gaming kit includes games ranging from entry-level to expert level. The price of every game is different from one another. There are various games in D&D; hence expertise in gaming sets depends on each game separately. Proficiency in any specific game you like can help you in Arcana, History, insights, intimidation, and sleight of hand. Proficiency in a game can also add up proficiency bonus to your ability check.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are D&D 5e tools useful or not?

D&D 5e tools are useful if you have a capable dungeon master who can look outside the toolbox.

Can we create an account in D&D?

No, there are no accounts in a D&D game. However, you can save your game data via the settings menu.

On which browsers do D & D 5e games run?

It runs on the latest chrome and firefox versions.

Is it free to use?

Yes, the Dungeons and Dragons game is free to play.

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