Why Indoor Air Quality is Important

Why Indoor Air Quality is Important in the Health Sector 

The importance of indoor air quality, also known as IAQ, might be easy to overlook. But as soon as you step into a space where the indoor air quality is low or even bad, you will immediately notice it. You might notice a strange scent in the room, feel as though the air is unnaturally thick or heavy, or, in extreme cases, you might feel uncomfortable or ill after a short while.

Especially when it comes to the health sector, air quality should be one of the most important factors. And for that reason, a medical air purifier will often be used to ensure ideal indoor air quality. But why is it that something as natural as air needs to be paid close attention to?

Purified air is healthier for our bodies

Have you ever been in a room that seems to trigger a headache even though you are just sitting down? This will most likely be due to indoor air quality. Indoor air needs to be filtered, purified, and ventilated in order not to turn stale. An open window can help with some of this, but in order to increase the overall air quality, an air purifier is needed. 

When you are outside, the air will constantly be moved around and filtered quite naturally due to plants, wind, and other natural factors. However, this is not the case with indoor air. So in order to avoid the air turning harmful, we need help from purifiers. This way, the air will not end up causing headaches, discomfort, or even illnesses.

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Elderly and ill individuals are less at risk

Newborn babies, elderly people, and people with a serious illnesses. All of these are examples of individuals who are at greater risk of suffering from smaller infections that might not even be noticed by a young, healthy person. 

Indoor air, which does not move, is a better environment for harmful particles to live and thrive. And it is especially these particles that can be problematic. For instance, if an elderly lady goes to the hospital for joint pain, she might end up with a lung infection or other diseases if the air is not purified and safe.

Viruses and bacteria have a harder time 

A medical air purifier is designed to make hospitals, care facilities, and similar places safer. And part of this is due to its ability to remove up to 99.9% of bacteria, viruses, mold, dust, and pollen from the air.

Therefore, it is less likely that airborne illnesses are going to affect everyone else in the same room when an air purifier for hospitals is being used. And as hospitals, for instance, are places where a small infection for one can turn into a life-threatening infection for another, it is important to invest in a purifier that will kill as many harmful particles in the air as possible.

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