Is VPS Server Safe

Is VPS Server Safe?

Virtual Private Server (VPS) security is one of the most important issues to consider. When searching for the right server users is often worried about leaking of server information to strangers.

Sharing the same hardware with multiple users is the first thing they often worry about when encountering virtual private servers (VPS). The question that occupies the minds of most users is how to resolve this and this concern is understandable.

How Does A Server Operate?

Let’s first look at how a virtual server works. First, the software runs on the main hardware server on which all the virtual servers (VPS) are located. The name of this software is the hypervisor. Servers that run Hypervisor software are usually called hypervisors. The hypervisor software is responsible for the personal management of the virtual server running on the server.

The hypervisor software controls how each virtual server communicates with the hardware on the hypervisor server. This control involves planning how to use multiple virtual dedicated servers of CPU resources. It also includes allocating memory to each and managing copies of hard drives on virtual dedicated servers.

When a virtual server is created, a copy of the hard disk is made for it. This copy is where all the virtual dedicated server data is stored. In the virtual dedicated server settings, the hard disk space allocated to it is dedicated and only the relevant virtual server can use it.

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When the virtual dedicated server starts up, the hypervisor software allocates the required amount of memory to that server and ensures that only that virtual dedicated server can read and write to the dedicated memory. These systems ensure that each person’s data is stored separately and securely, both in memory and on the hard disk.

Hypervisor software separates virtual servers and controls how they run. The next question that arises regarding the security of virtual servers is “What protects hypervisors from attacking a virtual dedicated server?” Access to hypervisors is tightly controlled and many security measures are taken to protect them. Firewalls also ensure that hackers are not able to target hypervisors. Likewise, storage servers that have a hard disk copy are protected in the same way.

Steps To Secure Windows VPS & RDP

how to secure your server?

Choose Strong Password

This is the first step you must take. Creating a strong password can be a strong barrier against hackers to infiltrate the server. A strong password of at least 10 characters in length and includes special letters, numbers, characters, and capitals. After you buy Windows VPS, change the default administrator password to a strong one.

Change RDP Port

When you get Windows RDP login details, by default the remote desktop port is 3389. Everyone knows this port including hackers so you can change it to stop receiving attacks on this port.

Note: Remember to first add the new RDP port to your firewall before changing the default RDP port.

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Change Or Disable Administrator Username

Like the RDP port, the username of Windows servers is a default value which is the administrator. So if the hacker has obtained the server password and RDP port, he can easily enter the server using the administrator username, but it won’t happen if you change the username.

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Steps To Secure Linux VPS

Choose Strong Password

This is the first step you must take. Creating a strong password can be a strong barrier against hackers to infiltrate the server. A strong password of at least 10 characters in length and includes special letters, numbers, characters, and capitals.

Change SSH Port

by default, the SSH port is 22 on Linux distributions(Centos, Ubuntu, Fedora, etc). Everyone knows this port including hackers so you can change it to stop receiving attacks on this port.

Note: Remember to add the new SSH port to your firewall before changing the default SSH port.

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Change Or Disable Root Username

Like the SSH port, the username of Linux servers is a default value which is the root. So if the hacker has obtained the server password and SSH port, he can easily enter the server using the root username, but it won’t happen if you disable the root username. Instead of a root password, you can add a normal user and add the required privileges to it.

Why Do We Have To Secure VPS Personally?

When transferring your website to a virtual server, you should also think about securing your virtual server. It is true that shared hosting services have problems such as account security and overuse of resources, but it also has its advantages. One of the positive points is that the shared service provider is obliged to establish the security of the server and also to perform the required configurations. On your virtual server, you must do these things or use a managed virtual server service, otherwise you have compromised the security of your server. The virtual server itself is not secure and can be easily compromised, even the Linux VPS, and it is you who must increase the security of the server.

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Security can never be 100% guaranteed, but it can be increased from 0٪ to 99٪ In this article, we have presented some of these cases at your service. By observing these 3 things, you can establish a lot of server security and prevent attacks on the VPS. Also keep in mind that if you have a specific use for the server, creating server security can be more complex and important than these three. For example, if you use your virtual server as a web host, you must also secure the control panel used.

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