Microsoft Azure Certification

Microsoft Azure Certification Exams: Role-based Paths


Network Computing has always been the epicenter of revolutionary technologies. Virtual Machines such as Microsoft Azure are one of them. Since the field of cloud computing is one of the hottest right now, Microsoft certification courses such as az 203, az 103, az 300, and many others are popular among Azure enthusiasts.

Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing service. It is designed to build, test, deploy, and manage web and mobile applications remotely through Microsoft-managed data centers. 

Microsoft offers certifications for multiple Azure-based roles like Administrator Associate, Developer Associate, DevOps Engineer, and many more. These certificates are awarded to candidates after successfully clearing the exams corresponding exams.

Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate- AZ 203

Microsoft Azure Associate is one of the preliminary Microsoft certified profiles. It is also one of the favorites. Candidates aspiring to obtain the Azure Administrator Associate certificate must undergo AZ 203 exam.

Microsoft Azure

Responsibilities of Azure Associate comprise implementation, management, and identity monitoring. The Azure Associate is also expected to have technical adaptability when it comes to governance, storage, computation, and virtual networks in a cloud environment in addition to provisioning, sizing, monitoring, and adjusting resources, whenever required.  

Previously, Microsoft used to award the certification for Administrator Associate through exams AZ 100, and AZ 101. Recently, upon revision based on feedbacks, Microsoft retired both the exams and replaced them with AZ 103 for Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate

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Microsoft Administration Associate is one of the sweetest spots in the IT scene currently. 

This entry-level position offers all-around development of the individual when it comes to learning. The pay at the position is equally good. If you’re starting as an administrative associate, you may find yourself working as Senior Technical Consultant or as an IT manager in a few years. 

Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate

Azure Developer Associate is another profile that comes with Microsoft certifications. Enterprises prefer tech individuals with AZ 203 certifications over other regular candidates. 

As the name of the profile suggests, the Azure developer associate is involved in the cloud development cycle of the app. The cycle includes requirements, definition, designing, development, deployment, maintenance, testing, and monitoring. 

Similar to the Administrator Associate, Microsoft used to conduct exams AZ 200, and AZ 201 to award certifications for Developer Associate profiles. However, upon revision, the leading tech giant retired both the exams and introduced AZ 203 for Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate.

The average salary of a Developer associate is around 900,000 INR per annum. The career growth of Developer associate includes coveted profiles such as Programmer, Data Engineer, and Data Scientist.

Microsoft Certified: Azure Solutions Architect Expert

Solutions Architects translate the project’s vision to the development team. They play a pivotal part throughout the development lifecycle. Solution Architects are also involved in updates to the solution.

IT professionals who seek certifications in Azure Solution Architecture are required to appear for two certification exams. 

  • Exam AZ-300: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies
  • Exam AZ-301: Microsoft Azure Architect Design
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As per, the average salary of mid-career solution architects is around 1,200,000 INR. People resuming or starting their career in solution architecture may progress through their careers in profiles like Enterprise Architect, General Manager, and Information technology Director. 

Microsoft Certified: Azure DevOps Engineer Expert

A DevOps Engineer job description includes coordination with IT devs to facilitate better coordination in the development, and testing cycles of apps. This coordination is achieved through automation and streamlining the integration and deployment processes. 

Microsoft certified Azure DevOps Engineers are in great demand by the enterprises. Aspirants seeking to kickstart their IT career in Azure DevOps are required to appear for Exam AZ-400: Microsoft Azure DevOps Solutions. 

The average basic salary of a Development Operations Engineer with Microsoft Azure is around 650,000 per annum. The career growth of DevOps engineers looks similar to developer associates. The senior profiles in the industry include, Senior Development Operations Engineer, Build and Release Engineer, Software Development Engineer. People working in DevOps vertical have also been known to reach the heights of Software Development Manager. 

Microsoft Retired Exams 

Microsoft has brought in some changes in its examination pattern. Some old certification exams are now to be moved to role-based certification tests. Candidates with old certifications are required to appear for the following transition exams. 

  • 70-533 -> AZ-102: Microsoft Azure Administrator Certification Transition
  • 70-532 -> AZ-202: Microsoft Azure Developer Certification Transition
  • 70-535 -> AZ-302: Microsoft Azure Solutions Architect Certification Transition

The cloud computing company offers badges for each level of certification. Two-star badges are awarded to candidates clearing the associate levels of the training exam. While three-star badges are reserved for people clearing the expert level of examinations in Microsoft Certified positions.

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