A person playing soccer on gaming laptop

How to be a good online soccer player – FIFA

The football simulation genre is popular all over the world because, in it, you can try yourself as a football coach who controls each player and become a football superstar by creating your own personal player and taking him through the career ladder from a little-known junior to an international football superstar.

But let’s talk about team football – after all, in the FIFA simulator, players compete against each other at the team level and discuss how they can improve their playing skills.


The key to success in anything. It is impossible to become a better player if you do not pay much attention to the game. You must burn with FIFA and be obsessed with the desire to become the best and defeat all opponents.

Everything starts with desire and transforms into the time spent in the game. Sooner or later, the quantity will turn into quality, the main thing is to want and do.


The skill of a good game is being developed, but it is better to study the concept of playing skill from many angles. What can help improve the game:

  • good composition
  • Guides and help on the game
  • View tricks from top players

Good Composition

It is quite difficult to immediately assemble the best squad that will increase the percentage of wins at the expense of star players.

Such players do not get tired so quickly, they hit the ball more accurately and harder and stand out from other players with their personal skills, just like in real football.

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The composition is assembled gradually, and here you can go in two ways:

  1. Buy fifa 23 coins and open sets to the maximum until you get the best players.
  1. Painstakingly farm coins for participating and winning matches, gradually open sets, and improve your team.

Be prepared for a higher percentage of losses than wins at the start of your journey – this is normal for beginners. But gradually, with the growth of the gaming experience and the purchase of more talented and eminent players, this percentage will shift to the winning side and quite quickly. The main thing is not to lose heart at the start.

Guides and help on the game

There are a lot of useful guides and tips for beginners on the Internet and on YouTube on game tactics, keyboard shortcuts for playing on the field and on buying game sets, unlocking players, and other tips separately from matches. However, apart from that, a good gaming system can be beneficial for better speed and control.

View tricks from top players

In the vastness of YouTube and twitch, there are many players who show their playing skills in football in an interesting and productive way.

From such players, you can peep feints and other chip tricks that will help increase the percentage of wins.

Player sets

Our task in every match is to squeeze the maximum potential out of our squad and play to victory even in the most hopeless situation. After all, the quality of the game played in each match will determine the number of coins, and hence the potential number of good players that we can pull out of the sets.

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The sets of players in FIFA are still a lottery, but the more attempts, the more chances to pull out even if not top, then fewer strong players who will already bring their benefits in the next match.

Do not forget that with the growth of your skills and the increase in the number of coins you earn, you will begin to change players more often and sell unnecessary team members.

If you choose the gradation of the set, then, in my opinion, you need to take more expensive, but obviously the best silver sets. They will bring you more profitable players who can play matches with high quality. Try to take part in all the activities that the coins bring.

Tournaments, Scouting, and Seasonal Quests are great ways to get coins to spend on new players.

There are two tactics:

  1. Take cheap sets, but more, and try to get good players, albeit with a small chance.
  1. Take medium and expensive sets and open them, even if only a few times, but you will obviously have more chances to get a player with good characteristics, which will significantly strengthen the team. The choice is yours

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