outsourcing Software Testing

Major Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Software Testing

If you are a large-scale corporate with tons of workload, outsourcing is probably the best option you have. But remember, don’t forget to evaluate your outsourcing partner thoroughly before getting to some kind of agreement.

You can evaluate the testing outsourcing services, get a weekly or monthly progress report, 24/7 support, etc. All of this by gradually outsourcing your workload to a trusted third-party agent/company.

What are the pros of the process?

1. HR Cost Reduction

Time to dig in some of the most prominent pros that are associated with outsourcing software testing. The whole process of developing software is going to take a lot of your workforce. In other words, if left unmonitored, the HR cost alone for the project can skyrocket overnight.

To get everything under control once again, you can always use the power of IT outsourcing to cut the HR cost back to a normal estimate. Most outsourcing agents/companies charge a certain portion of what you are getting paid for the project. Don’t worry; this portion of the amount is very minute generally.

2. Increased Work Productivity

Third-party software testing corporations have loads of experience and resources pilled up. If you have found the right company, the chances are that your preferred company has completed hundreds of such projects already. With this much amount of work experience in your hand, the overall efficiency of the work will surely increase.

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Plus, third-party software testing companies utilize the power of freelancers up to perfection. With many freelancers working on your project, the software-related work will be done before the deadline. All you need to do is find the right third-party software testing partner.

3. Everything Becomes Streamlined

In business, what’s the one thing you can’t afford to compromise on? Yes, it’s the whole process of work management and streamlining. Besides software development, software testing requires a good number of resources to execute the task. If left unattended for long, the whole process can disrupt the workflow completely.

Outsourcing software testing services is the best way you can share the immense workload. In terms of resource management, you will be needed to only pay a fraction of what you are getting paid in the first place. For such a minute resource intake, the third party will manage your certain workload for you.

4. Super Time Saving

Time is money; that’s the ultimate universal truth. You can access any lost number of resources or workforce overtime once again but not time. That’s why using a third party for tasks like software testing can save you a lot of precious time. The time that you can spend on other productive domains of your company.

Usually, the outsourcing software testing firm is bound to submit a certain project within a certain deadline. How lenient you can be with the deadline depends upon your work budget and urgency. The firm will charge you accordingly but will deliver the project on time.

Some cons of the process?

1. Unable To Maintain Quality

Every picture has two sides. The same thing goes with outsourcing software testing-related tasks to a third party. As discussed earlier, most such firms use the power of freelancers to get the job done. Still, there’s no solid system that can test whether the freelancer is suitable for the task or not.

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The lack of direct communication between you and the person getting the job done is also a major disadvantage of the process. In the end, some doubts must be cleared by both sides as the project goes on.

2. High Data Vulnerability Ratio

Cybersecurity has become a major issue in this decade. Attempts of data phishing and lack of any solid prevention system have led to various major data leaks over the years. That’s why companies are quite hesitant to choose outsourcing software testing-related projects in the first place. 

First, you don’t know the professional working on your project. Second, there’s a high possibility that you and the professional will be contacting one another through third-party outsourcing. Third, passing on sensitive software data through such a vast number of channels increases the risk of data phishing.

3. Hard To Manage

Again, outsourcing software testing-related projects take the control off of your hands. Now, you are bound to wait until the mentioned deadline before the work gets done. In some cases, this is an advantage of the process as you can distribute and manage your workload simultaneously.

But in constant work pressure and delivering work before time, things can get out of hand. You can’t practically ask the outsourcing firm to speed up the process at the last minute. This can put a drastic blow to your company’s reputation and name if not dealt with in time.

4. Difficult To Find a Trusted Partner

Last but must not be the last factor to consider while contracting a third-party-based outsourcing firm. As discussed earlier, keeping data secure is the ultimate level of security one can get in this decade. Plus, if you are working in the software-related field, keeping data secure is much more important.

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Any kind of miscalculation or negligence in deciding the appropriate third-party firm can end up pretty badly. Your software sensitivity can get stolen or even leaked for a certain price tag to competitors. That’s why make sure you fully evaluate your trusted partner before handing sensitive data to them.

Final Note

The 21st century has surely been a dream come true for all technology enthusiasts. In only a couple of decades, the majority portions of our lives have become digital. The same thing happened with software testing outsourcing and correlative fields.

On one side, it can help you manage your extreme workload in the best way possible. But on the other, we still can’t ignore the issue associated with data phishing and corruption. If you have fortunately found a trusted partner, it is best to go with the outsourcing approach. After all, saving time and putting it on certain other productive ventures will give you the edge over others.

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