stress of moving

What You Need To Know To Reduce The Inevitable Stress Of Moving

What do problems with the boss, getting a loan to buy a car, and moving to a new apartment have in common? That’s right: stress! In the situations I have described, its level is about the same. If you still think that moving to a new place is nonsense, then you are mistaken.

In the last century, psychologists came up with a test to measure the level of stress accumulated over a year (the Holmes & Rahe stress scale of life events). And they showed that a person can simply become physically ill, without having time  

You should not think that stress is caused only by some very sudden and serious events, such as an incurable disease in a loved one or a sudden dismissal from work. In ordinary life, there are quite a lot of (including harmless) reasons for it: stressful events include loan payments, the end of the training, and any changes in life habits — a change of residence, for example.

So do not “underestimate” such a seemingly prosaic event as moving from apartment to apartment. It is quite capable of destroying your relationship, your health, your success… complete this list yourself. Anxiety, excitement, fear, anger, resentment, anxiety, guilt, shame, longing, sadness-this is an incomplete list of those negative emotions that can accompany the process. And there is no difference — you change a rented apartment or move to your own, long-awaited and freshly renovated. Before hiring the out-of-state movers check moving company reviews and ask for a Moving Quote. 

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1. Recognize The Problem

I want to say only one thing: in addition to the banal work of collecting boxes and disassembling furniture, when moving, your work on your emotions is no less important. The Internet is full of practically oriented tips like “make a to-do list”, including checking the rental statistics in Houston, or where you will be moving, “moving checklists”, “hire professionals if possible”, “sign all the boxes”, “encourage yourself with a gift

But who will tell you where the alarm will go when the moving professionals break something valuable when moving or are simply late? How to cope with the sadness and memories, if at the time of signing the boxes you came across your old photos, where you still loved each other?

2. Call a spade a spade and accept them

Consider moving as a transition from one state to another through the stage of uncertainty ” nowhere»:

  • collecting and packing the old life, in the process of which we are sure to throw something away;
  • intermediate state with displacement in space;
  • a new life in new circumstances under new rules.

The loss of the familiar, the lack of control and the ground under your feet, the feeling of insecurity-do not suppress these feelings, do not throw them away. On the contrary, call them by their proper names (you can say them out loud) and accept them. If you know about their existence in advance, you can no longer be taken by surprise.

3. Do not try to do everything in time — slow down

Out of the entire list of negative emotions when moving, the greatest discomfort is likely to be a sense of uncertainty. It is created on the basis of an alarm. Anxiety, in turn, arises from a premonition of a threat, unfavorable forecasts, expectations of the worst, unpleasant images of a possible future.

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As soon as you feel that you are beginning to be overcome by disturbing thoughts, try to consciously slow down your actions. Make an effort and sort of “slow down” – both in your head and in your movements. Do everything slower, much slower than usual. This will allow you to get out of the state of the victim, who in a hurry and panic rushes between the boxes.

4. Think positively! All for the best in this best of all worlds

Even if your move is a forced measure that you would really like to avoid (for example, as a result of a divorce or financial troubles), there are still new horizons. It’s just that you may not see these good prospects yet. You will definitely open them maybe a little later. For now, just try to look for the positive and not shut yourself in: express emotions. After all, it is absolutely not a shame to call friends and family, sincerely tell them how strange and uncomfortable you are in a new place. Someday everything will definitely get better!

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