social media moderation

All you need to know about Social Media Moderation

Social media is the place where different individuals from all around the world interact. It is not a place where you can market your products. 

However, marketers widely use it for commercial and business activities. Individuals on these platforms are open to sharing anything they feel about any brand and expressing their emotions. 

All the content available on these channels can easily be viewed by a wide group of people. 

Freedom is the main component of these channels. Taking advantage of that people are nowadays using it for abusive and filthy content. 

To counter this problem, brands take the help of social media moderation services to filter out inappropriate and offensive content.

Before we dive deep into the process, types, tools, and benefits of social media moderation activities let’s understand the literal meaning of Social media moderation. 

What is social media moderation?

Social media moderation is the administration and management of the activities that are done on social platforms. 

Long story short, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram have some rules, and social media moderation is when user-generated content is moderated according to them. 


So now you are familiar with the definition of social media moderation. Now, let’s know what moderators should keep in mind while moderating content within the online community. 

1. Pre-moderation

Pre-moderation means when the moderator is notified when someone wants to upload any content on their page. It is like you get into the queue. When the moderator reviews and finds it suitable for the page, they allow the content to be uploaded. It ensures only safe content is uploaded on the page; it is followed by the extremely conscious brands about their image.

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2. Post–moderation 

It is an excellent alternative to pre-moderation because it allows the users to post instantly. However, the moderator constantly keeps the eyes on the content. If the moderator finds something offensive on the page, they can delete that post from the page.

3. Reactive moderation      

In this type of social media moderation, the admin gives the right to the users to report any inappropriate content to Facebook themselves. Moderator doesn’t get involved directly in the process as all the posts include the button of “report this” once people report the content, it is reviewed by the moderator if it is actually offensive or not.

4. Distributed moderation

It gives the right to the community members to vote for the post that if it is appropriate or not. The content is deleted and uploaded based on this concept.

Automated moderation with the help of various UGC tools, the admin fixes the set rules to auto-accept or reject the content. 

It contains tools that either auto-correct the abusive content or permanently delete it if the content is not good.

6. User-only moderation

In this type of moderation, posts are automatically deleted if reported by the online community members several times. 

This is the most cost-effective method, and most brands use this method to control the content on their pages.

All about social media tools

As mentioned earlier, social media moderator tools are used to auto manage the online community’s activities. The main work tools are to moderate and regulate the content uploaded by the audience using specific rules.

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Below we have provided some things to consider before choosing social media moderator tool for your brand.

  • It should moderate any type of content
  • It should include profile moderation and social media moderation  
  • It must have a profanity filter

There are multiple tools available in the market, but Taggbox is the tool that comes in with all the above features.

Why is moderation important?

Social media is the best way to expand your audience and take your brand to new limits. People are getting benefited from social media moderation services on a daily basis. So why not you? Let’s look at some ways in which you can manage your social media appearance with moderation and how it is beneficial.

  • Give your audience the right content
  • Make your identity prominent \
  • Filter useless information
  • Engage audience
  • Improve sales
  • Improve quality


As people on social media are increasing, this market is getting bigger. Still, at the same time, social media platforms are getting filter as well. Therefore, if you want to take the full benefit of social media platforms, moderation is something very important. So, It is the right to invest in the right person or the right tool to manage your social media content.

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