technology in pharmacy

A Unique Way to Use Technology in Pharmacy

Over the past years, technology has had prime impacts on the lives of millions of people around the world. Every industry is taking advantage of the information technology system to ease their day to day routine work. The benefits that automated system provides are beyond the count these days. They help automate the entire work system of an organization, ensures accuracy and consistency, conduct receptive tasks without any errors, and much more. 

Similarly, like many other organizations, the use of information technology in pharmacy is a new trend. Every pharmacy is trying to set up a strong network of an information system to help ease and fasten up their work.  These days different technologies are used in pharmacies, which help share patient details electronically, eliminating the traditional use of paperwork. 

The article dives into the details of the technologies trend and their use in today’s era. And how it is making a positive impact on the way Canadian pharmacy operates.  

1. Using Electronic System’s

Almost all the pharmacies are making use of desktop computers to keep records of their warehouse medicine stock and to keep a check on their expiry dates. But there are many more features of the technology that can assist pharmacists in different ways. Pharmacy management systems are a complete solution these days. However, it depends mainly on the ways you make use of it. Some of the main ways to use electronic systems are as below. 

  1. Helps to view the patient records so that pharmacists can make informed decisions.
  2. Help to control stock. In this way, dispensaries are never short of most demand medicines.
  3. Helps in Pharmaceutical intervention.
  4. Help to monitor the reviews of medicine use. 
  5. Helps in the ordering of emergency supplies, and much more. 
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2. Eliminating Drug Abuse

According to the stats of 2019, about 70,980 people died due to drug abuse. The stats also include the people involving opioids. The government is now making use of technology to address this serious issue. EPCS (Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances) and PDMPS (Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs) are the new technologies being used by few pharmacies these days. However, their use will increase shortly.   

Through the use of E-Prescribing systems, the pharmacists can keep a record of the drug abuse using the patient’s history. Moreover, these electronic prescription systems can eliminate prescription errors regarding the volume of drugs. All this helps to prevent the deaths caused due to overdose of irrelevant drugs. 

3. Specialty Pharmacy Tends to Grow

Specialty drugs are one of the driving factors of the pharmacy industry. It contributes to a large share and revenues. Currently, they cover 30% of the prescription market and have chances to grow. Specialty medicines are very high costs that require special administration handling and monitoring. Keeping a record and management details through the use of technology can help the pharmacies make their name in the market. 

For this purpose, pharmacies should work to maintain and make space for an increased volume of specialty medications. The drugs are expensive so, planning using various technological tools can help profits.

4. Mobile Technology

technology in pharmacy

Every 5 out of 4 people are using a mobile phone these days. The widespread use of mobile technology is improving traditional pharmacy experience. Many pharmacies are now making use of text alerts as a reminder. They remind patients that they may need to repeat the prescription or inform them of the services they offer. 

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Moreover, adherence monitoring in pharmacy is also a new trend which is improving by the use of mobile phones. Furthermore, mobiles help to the R&D department of pharmacy to develop good customer relations and obtain more information about the customers. In this way, they can collect more customer information in a relatively fast time and at a low cost.  

5. Telecare Pharmacy

Telemedicine pharmacy solutions are a new addition in the Canadian Pharmacy. It makes use of communication technology including, audio, and visual to ease access to healthcare services. If you are at home and finds it difficult to visit a pharmacy for consultation, then you can avail of quick healthcare services remotely. Telemedicine keeps patients on priority and reduces to need to visit hospitals. These things are revolutionizing the way of pharmacy services. However, these services are much dependent on the reliable communication network as well as pharmacies’ desire to integrate the new telecare system. 


Nowadays, a lot of technologies are available in the market, which can help pharmacists to enhance patient care. However, the use of not all the new technology in pharmacy directly affect the practice of pharmacists. They need to make sure they have complete knowledge so that they make the full sure of the opportunities that are available to them. Also, keeping a close eye on technological trends can help pharmacies in the years to come.

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