Tools To Boost Your Income

Side Hustle Tools That’ll Help You Get Paid Faster

All over the world, people have begun to catch on to the great money-making potential of setting up a side hustle. However, one of the biggest drawbacks of a side hustle is the time and effort that it takes to manage the financial side of things. This is often compounded by having to work a full-time job, or by juggling other business ventures

Keeping track of client communications, who’s paid and who hasn’t, who’s received an invoice, and what’s still outstanding, isn’t easy. If you’re not on top of these things, you may face delays in getting paid—or not getting paid at all.

Fortunately, there’s a growing number of useful tools that will help you manage your money and ensure that you get paid on time. This list covers everything you need to make your side hustle profitable, and keep it that way.

Boomerang Mail App

The Boomerang app for Gmail, Outlook, and Mobile (iOS & Android), is an email productivity tool that allows you to manage and automate your emails in a professional and business-like manner.

With Boomerang, you can schedule and automate the sending and receiving of emails, track responses with customizable cross-platform read receipts, and create useful reminders. Furthermore, Boomerang provides an AI-powered assistant to help you compose better emails that are more readable and professional-looking. It also provides a statistical analysis of the likelihood of a response and allows you to customize the receipt handling for each customer. 

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The standard plan for Boomerang is free and allows a limited number of messages per month. This is generally suitable for a side hustle, however, further affordable pricing plans are available for purchase that provide unlimited access and additional features.


Pipedrive is a dynamic and powerful all-in-one sales and CRM software solution to help facilitate and efficiently manage the customer service and sales aspects of your side hustle. It’s designed with the aim of boosting users’ revenue to its maximum potential through streamlined and automated management. You can use it to schedule calls and meetings and provide detailed statistical analysis and charts for you to study and utilize.

Just by signing up, Pipedrive provides free access to a huge range of its standard features and tools. For even greater access, various pricing plans are offered, as well as a 14-day trial demo.


Hubspot is another free CRM tool that offers a full all-in-one suite of software solutions for marketing, sales, and customer service. Hubspot’s marketing, sales, and service software help side hustle businesses to streamline and organize prospects and client base, providing useful ad management, automation, and funnel management features.

Like the other tools mentioned here, Hubspot also lets you get started for free, with a range of useful tools at your disposal. Otherwise, for full access, you can try out their demo or choose from the range of premium plans available on their website.


For more straightforward, simple, and easy budget management, Goodbudget is a very lightweight and useful app that lets you track your income and expenses, create budget plans, pay debts, and much more. 

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Goodbudget is especially useful for when you are constantly on the go and you can use it as a handy supplement to your other side hustle tools. It’s available for easy installation and is compatible with Android, iOS, and PC. It’s also free for up to two devices. 


FreshBooks is a powerful, and easy-to-use accounting software solution designed for freelancers and entrepreneurs. It allows you to create smart and professional-looking invoices to send to customers, as well as tools for tracking and managing expenses, time, projects, and payments. It also provides a range of free invoice templates to get you started and is a great way to help improve the cash flow of your side hustle 

FreshBooks provides free access to the majority of its features and tools. To gain access to the full suite of products and features, you can try out their demo or purchase one of their affordable pricing plans.


We all know PayPal as a major online payment system used all over the world. But did you know you can also use it to manage and potentially enhance your side hustle’s revenue?

Free signup at the Paypal website offers a comprehensive suite of business solutions, from invoice management, financial reports and statements, risk assessment, and many other useful accounting and finance management tools. 

Together with its fast, reliable, and secure payment options, Paypal provides a great way to streamline your side hustle’s finances and help you to make more money. With so many useful tools available in one central hub, it can be of particularly huge benefit to the financial success of your side hustle.

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If you have international customers or you need to pay suppliers quickly when purchasing new stock to keep your business turning over, Wise is a great option. It allows for fast and safe online international money transfers and has low average fees. 

The average transaction fee is around 0.7%, which is far lower than the 3-4% charged by US banks.  There’s also no commission and you can get paid in your own currency too. Funds can be transferred in an hour, so you don’t have to wait weeks for your money, and it’s paid directly into your bank account.

Wise is free to set up, has personal and business account options, and offers an incentive for getting other people to set up. It’s one of the fastest ways to get paid internationally, and one of the cheapest too. 


Whether you have an e-commerce site, an online portfolio where you showcase your products or sell on Etsy, eBay, or any other digital platform, the number of tools for managing your side hustle is growing all the time. You could choose an all-in-one solution or use a range of different specialized tools to manage each aspect of your business. 

In the end, any of the tools mentioned above can help you manage your finances and speed up the time that it takes for you to get paid.

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