What Legal Marketing Agencies Do for You

What Legal Marketing Agencies Do for You: A Detailed Breakdown

If you have a law practice, you probably need some clients. How can you attract them, though? You know you can advertise in various ways, but maybe you don’t know much beyond that.

That’s why you might consider hiring a legal marketing agency. These agencies have many strategies they can use that may get you the clients you seek. Once you’re getting more clients, you will generate more revenue.

What Legal Marketing Agencies Do for You

Let’s talk about what the right legal marketing agency can do for you right now.

They Can Optimize Your Website with SEO in Mind

Only 9% of searchers reach the bottom of Google’s first results page. That means most of them will only scan what’s above the fold. Above the fold means what appears on their computer screen before they start scrolling down.

Let’s say you have a law practice, and you serve clients in the Kansas City area. You do personal injury law. You’d hope that you will appear on the first Google results page when someone types in something like “best personal injury law firm Kansas City.”

If you hire the right legal marketing agency, they can make sure you rank for those words and phrases.

First, they’ll probably do some keyword research. They will have the most modern analytics tools available. Using them, they can generate keyword lists.

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Those keywords must show up on your law firm’s website. The keywords might include general legal terms or more specific ones about your city. You probably need both.

An excellent legal marketing agency will redo your website content. They will add all the keywords and phrases you need on your landing page and throughout your site. That should get you the Google results you want, and you’ll see many more website visitors and conversions.

Conversions, in marketing parlance, mean anyone who buys your products or uses your services. Ultimately, that’s what you want as a lawyer since conversions mean new clients for you.

They Can Set Up and Run Your Social Media Accounts

As a lawyer, you probably know your firm needs social media accounts. However, you don’t know which platforms you should use. You probably don’t know what kind of content you should post, either.

If you hire a competent legal marketing agency, they can research what social media accounts you need. They might suggest that you create a Facebook account and also one for Twitter, LinkedIn, and others. They may even suggest you have a Pinterest or Snapchat account in some instances.

It all depends on what kind of law you practice and where your would-be clients spend their time. You probably can’t do that research on your own, but a marketing agency can do it for you.

They may conduct some focus groups and determine which social media platforms your possible clients use and also what kind of content they appreciate. Once they have that information, they can start creating content that will get you the right kind of attention.

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They can determine when you might post your content so that it gets the most engagement. Once you find possible customers on social media, you should see your client list expand.   

They Can Research Whether TV Commercials Make Sense

The right marketing agency might see whether creating commercials for your law firm makes sense. Commercials can still reach a local market, and though most marketing agencies consider this a more old-fashioned way of reaching people, they may still see its value.

If they determine that you should reach people through commercials, they can write a script and shoot it for you, provided you give them the budget for it. They can hire the actors or use an animation studio if they feel that will get a better reception.

They can figure out when you should air those commercials and on what channels. It would take far too long if you did this on your own, so trusting a marketing agency with the job makes sense. You’re probably busy with other things, like court appearances or depositions.

They Can Look into Radio Spots and Other Marketing Ideas

You might also ask your marketing agency about other places where you can find additional clients. Perhaps they’ll recommend creating some radio spots they can play on local radio.

That’s another older marketing method, but if the agency learns that your target audience likes local radio, they may say you should take advantage. They can create the scripts and the radio spots you’ll use.

They might suggest you create some billboard ads you can feature around town. If you get mostly local clients, this move makes sense. Maybe they’ll suggest an eye-catching or provocative ad campaign that will get people talking about your law firm.

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They may say you should sponsor a podcast. This might work depending on whether anyone who likely needs your services listens or not.

Make Sure You Find the Right Marketing Agency

You will likely find many local marketing agencies, and you may not feel certain which one you should pick. You can ask their representatives some pointed questions before you hire them.

You should ask whether they’ve represented law firms in the past. Some marketing agencies only represent clients in particular niches or industries. If the one you pick doesn’t usually represent law firms, then you will probably want someone else.

You can also ask about concrete results. Tangible results might include how many new website visitors you get each month.

The agency you hire probably can’t guarantee you’ll get any new clients, but they can at least guarantee a certain amount of site visitors. They can guarantee you’ll rank on Google’s front page for certain keywords and phrases in your niche.

If you find an agency with some great feedback and fresh ideas, you can use them. You might find that this move propels your law firm forward and helps you reach greater heights. That way, everyone’s happy, both you and the agency you used.

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