Why Intelligent Batteries are the Next Big Thing

5 Reasons Why Intelligent Batteries are the Next Big Thing in Tech Innovation

Oil is much older than humanity, yet, it was only in the last 100 years that we started using it. Even though it was always there, we never had much use for it. Any resource or invention seems to need a practical application to get our attention. The more applicable it is, the more attention it gets. 

A similar thing happens with batteries. Since the invention of the battery, it first had limited use, but then its usefulness started expanding. After a while, more and more devices were powered by batteries, and today, we live in an era where the entirety of our power grid and automotive industry may, in one way or another, depend on (rely on) batteries. This is why we started taking this issue a bit more seriously.

One of the major discoveries is that, even with the current battery manufacturing process, we could get so much more from these batteries with the right software. This is where intelligent batteries come into play.

Here are several reasons why these intelligent batteries may just be the next big thing in tech innovation.

Why Intelligent Batteries are the Next Big Thing
  1. Better energy-efficiency

A battery is a seemingly simple device – it needs to store energy and be efficient with charging and discharging. By making these processes smart, you’ll get more efficient batteries. By monitoring the battery’s state of charge, voltage, and temperature, an intelligent battery can optimize charging and discharging processes and reduce energy losses.

Another crucial point here is the energy demand prediction. The key thing to understand is that the energy demand oscillates over time. Now, your vehicle’s driving patterns are not as unpredictable as expected, especially if there are one or two drivers and the commute is fairly consistent. The system can recognize and predict these patterns and take the necessary preparatory measures. 

The most important aspect of these platforms is actually the user behavior analysis. Most of the time, these EVs and other systems are still not autonomous. This means there’s a level of customizability to the system, allowing it to get accustomed to the current user. This way, it will provide a far better service. 

Modern batteries are often integrated into the smart grid system, which allows the prioritization of energy distribution and optimization of the energy load and power supply. With enough such vehicles and intelligent batteries on the platform, the entire grid is affected by the accuracy of this software. During high electricity demand, the battery can return some excess power to the grid, thus creating an autonomous system that makes the whole system more reliable.

  1. Battery intelligence monitoring and reporting
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With the right platform, you can get a far more accurate insight into the condition and performance of your battery. For instance, Elysia battery intelligence allows for real-time data collection. Sure, every EV had some sort of SoC (state of charge) reporting system, but this has become far more accurate than ever with the help of an intelligent battery or system.

Battery intelligence goes beyond just reporting on the percentage of the battery. It also offers:

  • Insight into the current battery use 
  • Expected battery life 
  • Patterns affecting battery use

Keep in mind that the state of the battery also affects its performance. A system will notice a change in the pattern rather quickly and warn you if there are any potential issues. This will also help you anticipate potential issues in the future and provide you with a better understanding of the battery’s performance. 

Battery charging is not a simple matter; it occurs in cycles, and regardless of how you want to underplay it, overcharging and undercharging are problems that must be addressed. While overcharging may seem like a smaller issue (from the perspective of current use), it may diminish the lifespan of a battery. 

How often have you wondered if you have enough gas for tomorrow’s trip? The intelligence monitoring and reporting system allows you to check this without getting behind the wheel.

Most importantly, every battery has a limited lifespan. The older the battery gets, the less efficient it becomes. Ideally, you want to know the current state of the battery and how much life it has left long before its performance diminishes. 

  1. Enhanced safety

Previously, we’ve discussed the risk of overcharging. While most batteries have some overcharging protection, these usually limit the battery’s effectiveness. 

Most of these safety measures stop charging short of its full potential to avoid a scenario where you reach a critical point. While this prevents overheating, swelling, and other hazards, it leaves this extra battery space unused. An intelligent battery is incredibly accurate with this and keeps you safe without allowing any battery space to go unused.

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Short circuits may start fires or cause damage to the rest of the equipment involved. An intelligent battery system accurately predicts the breaking point or the conditions that may lead to a short circuit.

Different batteries have different chemistries and health-over-time progression. The problem is that neither devices nor charges can keep track of all this information. Well, intelligent batteries are built differently, and they will self-adjust to these conditions.

Remember that once these batteries become a much larger part of the market, it will be harder to ignore their increased safety. This means that it probably won’t be long until this becomes a standard required for a battery to get the necessary certification. 

The truth is that we’re just learning about these batteries. Never before were they present in such numbers, meaning we never had so much data to work with. Also, modern analytical tools are so sophisticated that we may figure out something we’ve missed. Intelligent batteries will be much easier to update than their traditional counterparts. 

  1. A green power revolution

While electricity is never completely green, a chance to run on fuel that renewable energy sources can produce is a massive leap in the right direction. Also, air pollution is not nearly as great because there’s no fuel combustion.

With better batteries, the power use will become much more potent and, therefore, more convenient for massive use. People are not that principled regarding the means to an end. Just allow them to pay less and pollute more; almost everyone will take it. The EV and battery technology would have to be even more sophisticated for this to work. When you make the moral choice and the cost-effective choice simultaneously, people will no longer be able just to turn their heads. 

We’ve also addressed this in the past, but early adoption is tricky. Many people know what EVs looked like 20 years ago, and they’re aware that they’re still improving. Why would they buy them now if, in five years, they’ll be far more sophisticated? 

One of the answers to this problem is software updates. Today, most EVs and systems are connected to this power grid and the IoT. This means that new updates can be uploaded to their devices and vehicles. They don’t have to make a repeat purchase or a replacement. This seamless integration with smart devices and IoT is one of the biggest selling points of the technology. Combined with the fact that continuous improvement is guaranteed, this becomes a no-brainer. 

  1. Amazing for commercial use
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For many users, control over the battery is crucial for its effective use. For instance, as a business, you need to know how long the forklift or AGV robot battery can hold; otherwise, you will face unexpected downtime. You can set up these intelligent batteries to send alerts and notifications long ahead of time so that you can plan a maintenance session or a replacement.

Previously, we’ve discussed remote control over this battery but focused on personal instead of commercial use. In many companies, maintenance is handled by a special department or outsourced. Imagine if these teams had access to real-time metrics of these batteries. Not only would their maintenance scheduling improve, but they would also have a much easier time adjusting their methods to battery use. 

Energy usage reports are more important than you think. Efficient use of vehicles and materials will result in higher or lower energy usage. This report will help reveal this early on. Also, when it comes to old-school (fossil fuel) vehicles, fuel theft is a serious problem. Such a thing is much harder with EVs, especially when you introduce intelligent batteries to the mix. On the other hand, management armed with this kind of insight can make much more accurate predictions and plans.

The most important thing is that the interface of these systems is incredibly simple. With a user-friendly UI, it’s easy to onboard other people and get as many of them on the project as possible. This way, you’ll make collaboration even easier than before.

Everything runs on power, and power needs batteries

Batteries determine power use, which is important for device efficiency and any device’s eco-friendliness. In other words, switching to intelligent batteries means being more ethical about battery use and reap the benefits of greater insight and efficiency. It’s a win-win scenario if there ever was one.

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