suggest friends on facebook

How to Suggest Friends On Facebook – Where is the Suggest Friends Option now?

The specialist of cooltechzone said that Facebook is the most widely used application these days. People around the world use it to connect and share stories. It is a famous platform for the connection of two unconnected friends.

For this purpose, in the past, there was a link to recommend a friend on Facebook. The Suggest friends on Facebook link was available in the profile of your friend. Previously, it was under the main profile picture.

But now the link is not available there. Facebook made some changes in recent times, which makes connecting two friends a bit complex. However, Facebook has enhanced the feature of People You May Know, which automatically suggests friends one might want to add to its account.   

In this article, you can find some easy steps to look for the suggest a friend button on Facebook and let unconnected people know each other. Yet, to follow these steps, you require the latest version of Facebook. You cannot suggest a friend using any smartphone, which is a limitation of the developers of Facebook.   

How did we Suggest Friends earlier?

Following are the steps we follow before the latest Facebook update:

  1. Log in to your Facebook Account using a Desktop Version.
  2. Search for the person you want to suggest friends to.
  3. Open the profile of the person.
  4. On the friend profile, click on the ‘Friends’ button.
  5. You will see multiple options. Select the ‘Suggest Friends on Facebook’ option.
  6. In the search bar, search for your friends you want to suggest to your other friend.
  7. And that is it! this version was much simpler.
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Steps to Suggest Friend on Desktop [Updated]

  1. Log in to your Facebook account. 
  2. Search for the person you want to suggest.
  3. Open the profile of the person.   
  4. On the friend profile, copy the URL of your browser.  
    copy url on desktop facebook
  5. In the search bar, search for your friends you want to suggest friends to.
  6. Message them the copied link of the suggested friend.   

And that is it! It is simple, yet the older version was much simpler than this.   

Steps to Suggest Friend on Facebook App on a Smartphone [Updated]

  1. Log in to your Facebook account. 
  2. Search for the person you want to suggest.
  3. Open the profile of the person.   
  4. On the friend profile, tap on the friend icon next to the message icon. 
    suggest facebook friend on smartphone
  5. Copy the profile link of the person.
  6. In the search bar, search for your friends you want to suggest friends to.
  7. Message them the copied link of the suggested friend.  

How does Facebook suggest friends?

suggest friends on facebook

Often you see that Facebook recommends our friends to add up in our profile. This feature of Facebook helps people to make more and more connections and search for new friends easily. These suggestions can be helpful at times, as it might show you the people you want to add up to your profile. The people you were unable to find or they are new on Facebook. However, this can also be very annoying at times. Many people are curious to know how Facebook suggests friends to us. The article helps you understand the point in detail.    

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Friend recommendations in People You May Know come from the things like given below.    

  1. Facebook commonly shows friends of friends in your suggestion. The people who have mutual friends with you are the prime ones. But, we often see that people do not have any mutual friends with us and, still, they are in our People You May Know list. One reason to keep in mind is that many people make their friends list as private, because of which you can not see the mutual friends you have with them.    
  2. Your profile information and the networks you make can be another reason. For example, people who have added the same study location or work location in their profiles as you can appear on your Facebook friend suggestion list.    
  3. Another technique is that Facebook uses your activity log to suggest you, friends. For example, if you are joining the same groups as another person or you are being tagged in the posts together, then Facebook will suggest that person to you.    
  4. If you upload contacts from your phonebook, Facebook compares your phonebook contacts with Facebook friends and suggests you, people, have not added to your Facebook account.    

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Frequently Asked Questions  

1. How does Facebook suggest friends on a new account?  

During the Facebook account sign up process, it requires you to add your email address or a phone number. If you add any one of these, Facebook will ask you to import your contacts from the email address book or, if you are signing up using a smartphone, it will ask you to import contacts from your phonebook. Facebook has an extensive database. If it finds any number of emails from it, the connected accounts of people will show up in your Friend’s suggestion on Facebook.   

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2. Does Facebook suggest friends who have searched for you?   

No Facebook, do not suggest friends who have searched for you. The Facebook friend suggestion does not use the location or search history to recommend your friends. The most common reason people appear in your People You May Know tag is when you have mutual friends with that person on Facebook.  

3. Why would Facebook suggest someone with no mutual friends?   

Facebook usually shows people suggestions based on the record of your mutual friends. But, if you do not see any mutual friends, there can be multiple reasons you can see them in the People You May Know category. Some of the reasons are as below.    

  1. Your profile information and networks match with the person.    
  2. Your Facebook activity can match, such as tagging in photos or joining groups.   
  3. Contacts which you or some of your friends uploaded to Facebook can be one reason.  

4. How do you know who stalks your Facebook?   

There are a lot of third-party apps that claim to offer the services to view who stalks you on Facebook. But, all these third-party applications are spam. You can not know who stalks you on Facebook. Hence, you can stalk people to your heart desire without being cautious.    

5. Does Facebook suggest friends who look at your profile?   

Facebook suggests friends in People You May Know tab. Facebook does not use your current location, search history, or information from third-party applications to recommend to your friends. Hence, Facebook does not suggest friends who looked at your profile. People will not know in any case that you looked at their Facebook profile.    

6. How do you know if someone searched you on Facebook?    

Facebook does not let you see who searches your profile on Facebook. Also, no third-party application can provide you this feature. If some third-party apps claim to offer these services, you should report that application.     

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